Hello, world, Chorosia.com here!

Chorosia on stage

Hey folks, how ya all doing?! We’re going full professional as we now have our very own official website! If you want to talk to any of us, please use the form under the “Contact” tab. Obviously kidding, we still need to figure out how to implement forms on this thing.

Anyhow, Chorosia.com is here and we think this is a fantastic way to keep everything in one spot. Here you’ll be able to find all of our music, news, updates, gig dates, merch, things such as EPK, stage riders, etc. As of now, this is still very much work in progress as we still have a lot of talking to ChatGPT to figure out how to implement all the things we want to have here. DIY much, eh? Guess we just love it.

So, thanks for checking this out. If you’re reading this that means we’re friends. Seriously, thank you.

Now the thing nobody asked for. Besides this website, we’re super busy writing new material. We think it’s great but we’re probably not going to release it this year (not 100% sure though, been there done that). However, we might have some really cool thingies else-wise. We’ll let you know soon enough.

Until then, cheers and love from Chorosia ❤️

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