A Call To Love (2021)
“A Call To Love” was our second release and, unlike its predecessor, this album marks a noticeable refinement in sound, writing style, and production. The writing process was completed sometime after our first tour through the Balkans in 2019, and the production started after failing to book another tour in 2020 due to the global inconvenience caused by a respiratory virus.
“A Call To Love” marks our abandonment of solely sludge meets stoner metal and goes more into the areas of progressive, grind, death, doom, and even folk at times. It was at this time that we all fully embraced all of our influences and really put our hearts and souls into each of the songs’ DNAs.
Similar to “Chorosia” 3 years prior, “A Call To Love” was recorded, mixed, and mastered completely and solely by us. Anto took the producer hat and wore it 1.95m high. The most notable remark about the recording process is that the album was recorded at a few different spots due to us being kicked out of our rehearsal room for being too loud. Ha!
Cover art was done by our friend Oliver Haidutschek, a renowned artist known for his mind-bending digital art. Driven purely by the sound and his imagination, without any creative interference from the band.
Physical copies are available in the form of CDs and audio cassettes.